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Hey collectors and sci-fi fans. Once again, it’s time to mark your calendars.

Fresh on the heels of a wildly successful 2021 run, the ICCC Team is pleased to announce that Tennessee’s premier convention for collectors and sci-fi fans will return April 29 - May 1, 2022, at the Sheraton Music City resort in Nashville, Tennessee.

And as an added bonus for our community of fans and guests, you may also book your hotel room immediately at a discounted rate of $199 per night by visiting the exclusive ICCC 2022 Sheraton Music City reservation portal.

Tickets and VIP passes will be available to purchase early this summer.

As our guests have come to expect, ICCC 2022 will feature a full weekend of celebrity guests, panels, autograph sessions, entertainment, fan-inspired activities, immersive exhibits, cosplay, contests, live music, and, of course, the nation’s greatest gathering of both vintage and modern toy exhibitors that draws collectors and enthusiasts from around the world. Showrunner Michael Havens and the team are already hard at work on the 2022 run, and Michael announced this week that legendary actor Ian McDiarmid, who portrayed Star Wars’ Emperor Palpatine for more than four decades, has been confirmed as the first guest star.

Make sure to watch icNashville.com, the ICCC’s Facebook page. and subscribe to our YouTube channel to ensure you don’t miss any important news, updates, or announcements. ICCCon is produced by collectors, for collectors and is locally owned and operated in Nashville, Tennessee. #ICCCon

Phillip Browne