NOT EWOKS: The four mysterious exclusive ICCC 2022 custom action figures based on ‘The Mandalorian’ (lower right) are depicted blacked out in classic Kenner cardback style.

NOT EWOKS: The four mysterious exclusive ICCC 2022 custom action figures based on ‘The Mandalorian’ (lower right) are depicted blacked out in classic Kenner cardback style.

Are you addicted to ICCC exclusive action figures and collectibles? If so, your minds are about to be blown by D2C StudiosMatt Brookins and ICCC showrunner Michael Havens. After nearly a year of planning and development, production has begun on a wave of ICCC 2022 convention exclusive custom action figures based on “The Mandalorian” TV series on Disney+. The four figures will be available to ticket holders on-site.

Brookins — a celebrated custom artist and a prominent long-time member of the Star Wars collecting community — also designed the ICCC 2021 exclusive vintage-style Boba Fett action figures. While the 2022 wave has yet to be unveiled, Brookins discussed the theme and his current approach and activities:

“Like many Star Wars fans, I was captivated by “The Mandalorian.” It seemed to capture the essence of what made the original trilogy so good. It felt faithful to the original while not simply retreading the same thing. It only seemed natural to me that I would translate my enjoyment for the show to my custom making.

“For season one, I wanted to follow the “Kenner“ model. I did 12 backs, followed by 20 backs with a special figure offer, followed by 21 backs. I also did the nine back followed by twelve back 3-packs (and a header/bin). This was quite a large undertaking, but very enjoyable. I planned on expanding this approach into season two following “The Empire Strikes Back” Kenner model.

“When Mike Havens asked if I would do the exclusive figure for 2022, I pitched several ideas. One of them was to continue my Mandalorian project under the ICCC banner. He and the team seemed enthused by this. I won’t strictly follow the Kenner model for the number of figures on card back (31, 32, 41, 45, etc.), but I will continue the basic premise of Mandalorian seasons corresponding to Kenner / the original films — and do a variety of backs.

“All of these figures were in progress before ICCC 2021, including most of what would become the exclusive figures for 2022. As you may have noticed, I am doing more than one exclusive figure for 2022. There are four! Two of them in particular are ideas that I wanted to do for quite some time, and all four I started during season 2. I just never got around to finishing them all, so I figured this was a great opportunity to do that.

“I took a quick and very crude step-style picture of the 41 figures. I made most of them, with a few notable exceptions (because doing 41 unique customs, including duplicating several of them dozens of times, is a lot of work!). Some are original Kenner figures that appeared in the show, and I gave a few of them a slightly more screen-accurate paint job. Three are resin printed. Although I prefer to make them the “old fashion” way, it takes me a long time to do that. Since people had already done some good print designs, I opted to include three that I really like. Another was a factory-made custom that I had planned to do, but this version was good.

“True to the Kenner “reveal” style, I have airbrushed out the four exclusive figures. They will be revealed in future updates.”

This exclusive wave of custom “The Mandalorian” action figures will be available on-site at ICCC 2022, April 29-May 1, at the Sheraton Music City resort in Nashville, TN. Tickets are on sale now. We believe The Emperor will be pleased. #ICCCon