Visit the General Store at Fiddler’s Grove, a new historic attraction debeuting at ICCC 2023.

ICCC has always celebrated going back in time with our focus on vintage toy collecting, and hosting celebrities that made our youth magical through old-school sci-fi movies and TV. This year, we’re stepping up the nostalgia in a big way by inviting our guests to experience a rare, historic town right on-site at our new venue! 

We’re talking about Tennesee’s historic Fiddler’s Grove, which is just steps away from the main ICCC event hall. And access to this old-time attraction is included with your ICCCon pass!

Fiddler’s Grove features 55 buildings to explore, each with their own unique story. As you stroll through the Grove, you'll see how people lived in a one-room log cabin, were educated in a one-room school, and worshiped in a small, quaint church. You can visit a blacksmith's shop, where cooking utensils and farm equipment were made, and see a doctor's office complete with the buggy he used to make house calls far and wide.

Other buildings to explore include a funeral home, sheriff's office, jail, drug store, post office, hardware store, barber shop, service station, radio station, sawmill, farm equipment museum, printing office, model train museum, caboose, and train station.

And while you're exploring, take a break at the General Store for a cold drink and relax in a rocking chair on the front porch before you visit the feed and seed store. Along the way, enjoy the many small gardens with native plants and pretty flowers cared for by the Master Gardeners, as well as other gardeners.

Fiddler’s Grove is an amazing experience for guests of all ages. And it’s another way that ICCC is expanding to provide you with an unmatched, attraction-packed convention experience!

ICCC 2023 will be held May 26-28, 2023 at the new Farm Bureau Exposition Center in Lebanon, TN, just outside of Nashville. Tickets are on sale now. Book a room at our host hotels before they sell out. #ICCCon

Phillip Browne